„Romanian Actors by Simion Buia” is an artistic project of promoting the Romanian actors through photographs and video confessions, hosted in exhibition spaces and online on www.romanianactors.com. After photographing over 80 Romanian actors in „Actors and the Photographer”, Simion Buia releases a new artistic endeavor. Without resembling a who-is-who type of gallery, romanianactors.com becomes an art platform with purpose, a place where photography and videography are vehicles of actors representation and of mediation between them and the public beyond characters.
In a time when photography becomes a mean to experiment, Simion Buia remains true to a more ciné vérité vision of photography. His portraits are clean with minimal editing interventions recalling the influence of his mentor Thomas Ruff and are usually printed on fine art canvas remembering the first function of portraiture before becoming an artistic genre. New to videography, Simion Buia, after the photoshoot, uses his mirrorless camera to capture video confessions of his subjects in a still set-up with minimal post-processing.

  • Claudiu BLEONȚ
    Romanian Actors is born and continues beyond us. I will be an impression, as others, in an visual, virtual, cemetery.
    Claudiu BLEONȚ
  • Virginia MIREA
    Your project is extraordinary because you, Simion Buia, are a creator and a participant in this artistic act. You are a pioneer in this adventure that you have embarked with the actors.
    Virginia MIREA
  • George IVAȘCU
    Romanian Actors is a page of history that gives us the peace of mind that our momentary pathway will be forever marked.
    George IVAȘCU

About the AUTHOR

Simion Buia belongs to a category of artists who approach individual and cultural identities using photography and videography as instruments to depict and record the human portrait. Simion Buia studied photography at Kunstakademie Dusseldorf and journalism at Facultee Libre de Paris et d'Ile de France and joined Deutscher Journalisten Verband in 1998. He had more than 15 solo exhibitions with his artistic projects Actorii și Fotograful (The Actors and the Photographer) and Maschere di Venezia. Works by the artist are part of private collections in Romania, Hungary and Germany. He lives and works in Bucharest where he manages a private photography school - Academia de Fotografie (Photo Academy).

Browse through the Romanian acting scene:

We recommend you to watch the movies in fullscreen mode using headphones to preserve the intimacy proposed by the actor through the 1-on-1 confession.


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