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Often people ask why are there generations of actors in the same family ... The son or the daughter has become an actor too...? It is like a germ that you pass over. A germ that parents pass over to children. I carry it on and there are many more instances that I am glad I am infected with drama than those when I would like to be cured.
Date of birth
Place of birth
The Institute of Theatrical and Cinematographic Arts, Bucharest, prof. Olga Tudorache and Florin Zamfirescu, class of 1988
Award for debut for Helena in "A midsummer night's dream", Costinești 1988 Award for Best actress in a supporting role for her role in the play 'Each day I think of you" APTR Award for Best entertainment show 2000 Award for Best actress for Marlene at Contemporary Drama Festival in Brasov, 2006 Award for Best actress for Martha in "Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf”, at Contemporary Drama Festival in Brasov 2010 The Order "Cultural merit", 2002