PamParam // Performance // An anthology of human vocal percussion // M-Studio Sepsiszentgyörgy

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Actors / Performers: Nagy Eszter // Balázs Judith // Polgár Emília // Deák Zoltán // Szekrényes László // Veress Nagy Attila

Concept & Coregraphy: Andreea Gavriliu

Music: Mihai Dobre

Scenografy: Irina Moscu

Performance Location: M-Studio Sepsiszentgyörgy // Transylvania

Photographs by Simion Buia //

Beyond the uniqueness and virtuosity of each performer, these voices evoque a certain culture.

The six performers allow themselves to be manipulated by the voices, but sometimes they’re also generating them.

Therefore the performance is based on a body language that relies on this rhythmic installation.

Whether it’s a duet on „Konnakol” (the Indian art of creating percussion by rhythmically repeating syllables) or an ensemble that synchronizes with the hallucinatory voice of an American bidder, the bodies become the palpable image of sound in space.

From choreographic point of view, the purpose of movement is to be in a dynamic relationship with the sound – Pam Param is an impression of these sounds that appears differently in each performer.

Simion Buia
Simion Buia
Jurnalist cultural, fotograf, călător al acestei abracadabrante lumi, cu L mare. Dar cel mai important: tatăl Marthei & co-stăpânul lui Foltos, the human dog, adoptat în Sfântu Gheorghe la început de pandemie.

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PamParam // Performance // An anthology of human vocal percussion // M-Studio Sepsiszentgyörgy
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