Michael Dobson / Craiova International Shakespeare Festival

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mai 25, 2024
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Nicoleta Cinpoeș / Craiova International Shakespeare Festival
mai 25, 2024
George Volceanov / Ben Jonson / Contemporanii lui Shakespeare / Editura Tracus Arte
mai 30, 2024
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Director of the Shakespeare Institute / Professor of Shakespeare Studies

Michael Dobson

Like his own Falstaff, Shakespeare is not only witty in himself but is the cause that wit is in others. My career as a teacher of and writer about Shakespeare’s plays and poems has been devoted not just to examining these extraordinary writings in their sixteenth- and seventeenth-century contexts, but to exploring how they have stimulated and enabled the creativity of other people, individually and collectively, across time – whether actors (both professional and amateur), scholars, directors, philosophers, composers, critics, sculptors, poets, or novelists. As a result I enjoy working as a consultant to theatre directors and actors as well as publishing scholarly essays and books, and although the central focus of my work has been on the interpretation of Shakespeare in the theatre down the centuries since his death, and on the history of our continuing love affair with Elizabeth and the Elizabethans more generally, I take an enthusiastic and informed interest in most things done in Shakespeare’s name in different media around the world.


Before coming to Stratford in 2011 I worked at Birkbeck, University of London (where I set up an MA programme in collaboration with Shakespeare’s Globe).  Other previous employers include Oxford, Harvard, and the University of Illinois at Chicago, and I have held visiting appointments and research fellowships at UCLA, Lund, the Sorbonne, and Peking University.

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Simion Buia
Simion Buia
Jurnalist cultural, fotograf, călător al acestei abracadabrante lumi, cu L mare. Dar cel mai important: tatăl Marthei & co-stăpânul lui Foltos, the human dog, adoptat în Sfântu Gheorghe la început de pandemie.

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Michael Dobson / Craiova International Shakespeare Festival
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